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Out of the Shadows

With Billy Reynolds

Watch the playback of an incredibly powerful event from last year!

Local Addiction Recovery Counselor Tells Story of Redemption with New Book

A San Clemente resident and reformed-convict-turned-rehabilitator looks to inspire people facing similar situations in which he used to find himself with the release of a book that tells his story. Read More

New Method Podcast Ft. Billy Reynolds

Finding Grace

By William (Billy) Reynolds

Our very own, Billy, wrote a book about his story. A hard hitting story of his journey from a stable home to becoming a gangster who spends 20 in prison and eventually unlocks the path to recovery and redemption.

Billy Reynolds, VP of RecoverU, discusses the trials and tribulations that played an integral role in his personal transformation and new found perspective.


Pastor John Randall of Calvary South OC, sits down with Todd Warner and talks about overcoming addiction to alcohol.

Calvary South OC High School Group Sits down with Todd Warner for his Testimony


IG LIVE w/ Daniel Mamora and Todd Warner! Todd discusses his life of addiction and how God delivered him from it and now is being used by God to help those that are dealing with addiction but most of all pointing them to Jesus Christ!